The latest release on the legendary on the Ono imprint. Manufactured in another Elektronische steel symphony factory,
herein bursts a trickle of processed voices and slabs of Stylophone. There sequences, jams, pickled memories and a generous helping of wannabe
synthesizers. Who ensure Quality Control? All your favourite tape and razorblade wielding Meisters that slot into an ill-formed groove; Lily Greenham, Daphne
Oram, Desmond Leslie and Tristram Cary. Why should Dub’s Dread not stretch over the Crater of Quatermass too? From behind the Industrial picket fence lie more
familiar stranger dangers such as Ekoplekz, the Baron and Ursula Bogner. Whether it’s the final trudge down the Eldritch Organ pier in ‘Real Old Building’, the
breathless bluster of ‘Iciest Mount Winter’ or the jaw chatter paranoia of ‘On Her Comrade’s Command’, this record needs to heard. There’s even a track
dedicated to when Bernard Levin got punched live on ‘That Was The Week That Was’. It’s difficult to pin the music down to a particular period, but this
universe is one where Public Information film angst never went out of fashion and you’re just as likely to huddle round smouldering Polaroid as much as a warm
fire. Perfect for a quiet night out (of your mind)
& Lewis's Influences... Ursula bogner, Very early cabaret Voltaire, Lily
greenham, Daphne oram,
Lfo, Tristram cary, BBC radiophonic workshop, Musique concrete, Edgar varese
poem electronique
Vladimir Ussachevsky, Otto luening, Desmond leslie, Dutch tape
music scene, Red mecca, 60s era dr who/quatermass/sound effects.